When Marc and I first starting dating, in 1999 (so long ago!) we celebrated our first Valentine's day in 2000 by buying him an orange cat. He had always wanted a pet of his own and we found an adult cat with a broken leg, ear mites, pinkeye, and no hair. He was a pitiful stray that noone wanted and we took him home and made him ours! He went from a total of 7 of our apartments (3 of mine, 3 of Marc's, and 1 we shared together) before moving into our house that we own now. He survived a new dog, 2 new cats, and 2 babies!
He had been declining in his elder years and had gone from over 14lbs to just 6 lbs. We took him in on Friday night and it was as we thought...kidney failure. We chose to not let him get to the point where he was uncomfortable, so we put him down. He was happy and purring away, and Marc held him. It was one of the most horrible things we have had to do, and it was only 6 months from when we put down his long-time companion.
Good bye to a special kitty...we are so sad.