Tuesday, October 25, 2011


we trick or treat on halloween this year. bizarre! the kids are looking forward to it and so are we. my mom is flying in for it, and as tradition marches on, the kids' aunt will join us.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am so sorry! It's been far too long since an update.

My memory card is full from our summer! A trip to New Hampshire and lots of pictures of the kids to be uploaded. Until then, written updates are all you're going to get!

At the end of August we traveled to New Hampshire. And so did hurrucane Irene! She threw a few wrenches in our plans, but it was a great trip. The kids played with lobsters, went fishing, enjoyed swimming, played at the lake, and found red eft newts :) We even took a day trip to the beach and had a wonderful time. It was a long series of car rides, but our kids did great. Even if Claire got 5 teeth and had a 102 degree fever on the way home (enter a blank state here...)

Unfortuantely we had to leave earlier than planned, due to the death of our dear brother in law. After the tragic loss of his daughter just over a year ago, he decided to take his own life and we are trying to pick up the pieces and help his wife in any way that we can. We aren't able to do much, but we think of her each and every day and send our most loving of thoughts.

Jackson has started his second year of preschool. He LOVES school and is now going 3 mornings to the regular program, and one extra afternoon for a literacy-based program. It's a great school and he is growing by leaps and bounds. He is changing so much every day - it's so wild to watch.

Claire is getting older, but no so much bigger. She is such a peanut! She is talking up a storm and we are often wondering if she is part monkey. That girl sure can climb! It is so neat to watch Claire and Jack play together...they have a really funny bond.

Hopefully I can update some photos soon!